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Invoked by: vaxstats analyze

The analyze command performs statistical analysis on forecasted data, calculating various metrics and thresholds for temperature anomalies.


vaxstats analyze <file_path> [options]


vaxstats analyze forecasted_data.csv --baseline_hours 48
vaxstats analyze results.csv --baseline_days 3 \
--data_column "temperature" --pred_column "forecast" \
--output_path analysis_results.json

Required Arguments

Argument Description Example
file_path Path to the forecasted output file (CSV format). forecasted_data.csv, results.csv

Optional Arguments

Option Description Default Example
--baseline_days The time window in days for the baseline calculation. N/A 3, 7.5
--baseline_hours The time window in hours for the baseline calculation. N/A 48, 120
--data_column Column name containing observed data. y temperature
--pred_column Column name containing predicted data. y_hat forecast
--residual_column Column name containing residuals. residual error
--date_column Column name containing datetime data. ds timestamp
--datetime_fmt Format of the input date strings. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %m/%d/%Y %H:%M
--output_path Path to save the output JSON with analysis results. analysis.json results.json


You must specify either --baseline_days or --baseline_hours, but not both.


The input file should be a CSV file containing at least the following columns:

  • Datetime column (specified by --date_column)
  • Observed data column (specified by --data_column)
  • Predicted data column (specified by --pred_column)
  • Residuals column (specified by --residual_column)

This file is typically the output of the forecast command or a similarly structured dataset.


The analyze command will generate a JSON file (default name: analysis.json) with the following structure:

  "baseline": {
    "degrees_of_freedom": int,
    "average_temp": float,
    "std_dev_temp": float,
    "max_temp": float,
    "min_temp": float,
    "residual_sum_squares": float
  "residual": {
    "max_residual": float,
    "residual_lower_bound": float,
    "residual_upper_bound": float
  "duration": {
    "total_duration_hours": float,
    "fever_hours": int,
    "hypothermia_hours": int

Analysis Process

  1. Loads the input file and converts the date column to datetime format.
  2. Calculates baseline statistics using the specified time window.
  3. Computes hourly statistics, including median observed and predicted values.
  4. Determines fever and hypothermia thresholds based on residual bounds.
  5. Calculates various statistics including temperature ranges, residual information, and duration of anomalies.

Hourly Statistics

The analysis includes hourly statistics with the following information:

  • Median observed value
  • Median predicted value
  • Start and end time of the hour
  • Number of data points in the hour
  • Hypothermia threshold
  • Fever threshold