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Invoked by: vaxstats forecast

The forecast command performs forecasting on prepared data using a specified statistical forecasting model. It allows you to apply various forecasting algorithms to your time series data and generate predictions.


vaxstats forecast <file_path> <sf_model> [options]


vaxstats forecast data.csv statsforecast.models.ARIMA --baseline_hours 48
vaxstats forecast prepared_data.csv statsforecast.models.ARIMA \
  --baseline_days 3 --sf_model_kwargs "{'order': (1,1,1)}" \
  --output_path forecast_results.csv

Required Arguments

Argument Description Example
file_path Path to the input data file (CSV format). data.csv, prepared_data.csv
sf_model The forecasting model class to be used. statsforecast.models.ARIMA

Optional Arguments

Option Description Default Example
--baseline_days The time window in days for the training set. N/A 3, 7.5
--baseline_hours The time window in hours for the training set. 72.0 48, 120
--sf_model_args Positional arguments for the forecasting model constructor. () "(1, 'string', [1, 2, 3])"
--sf_model_kwargs Keyword arguments for the forecasting model constructor. {} "{'order': (1,1,1), 'seasonal_order': (0,1,1,12)}"
--output_path Path to save the output DataFrame with forecasted values. output.csv forecast_results.csv


You must specify either --baseline_days or --baseline_hours, but not both.


The input file should be a CSV file containing at least the following columns:

  • ds: Datetime column
  • y: Target variable column, \(y\)

This file is typically the output of the prep command or a similarly structured dataset.


The forecast command will generate a CSV file (default name: output.csv) with the following columns:

  1. All original columns from the input file
  2. y_hat: The forecasted values, \(\hat{y}\)
  3. residuals: The difference between actual and forecasted values (\(y - \hat{y}\))

Forecasting Model Specification

  • Use the sf_model argument to specify the full path to the forecasting model class.
  • Use --sf_model_args and --sf_model_kwargs to pass additional arguments to the model constructor.
  • Arguments should be specified using Python literal syntax.

Examples of Model Specifications

  1. ARIMA model with specific parameters:
    vaxstats forecast data.csv statsforecast.models.ARIMA \
        --sf_model_kwargs "{'order': (1,1,1), 'seasonal_order': (0,1,1,12)}"
  2. Simple exponential smoothing:
    vaxstats forecast data.csv statsforecast.models.SimpleExponentialSmoothing


Experiment with different baseline windows and model parameters to find the best fit for your data. You can compare the residuals to evaluate model performance.